Taking Time to Celebrate
It’s been a somewhat hectic summer and fall around The Vineyard at Grandview as we have combined construction of the winery and tasting room with tending the vineyard and harvesting our 2012 crop of premium grapes. The children decided we needed to take some time out for a celebration.

October 7 was our (Larry and Marilyn) 45th wedding anniversary. On Saturday evening, the 6th, our children surprised us with a party. We were told it was to be a birthday party for our granddaughter Ruby who turned two recently. Our four children, their spouses and all 17 grandchildren were present, as well as about 50 guests…family and friends from the various chapters of our life story.

My sister Sharon, who lives in Belleville, had driven to Ohio and brought my mother! Larry’s mom was there, too, and two of his brothers. Friends dear to us from each of the last four decades, some whom we now seldom see, joined us. It was a lovely mix of overlapping life experiences. Many who couldn’t be present, sent cards to share memories and good wishes.

The party was in our pavilion, strung with twinkling white lights (actually left in place from a September wedding). Donna and Terah made gorgeous centerpieces using white pumpkins as the vases.

And food! Three soups, (spinach tortellini, chili, and potato-ham), rolls, cheese and crackers, vegetable tray.

Luscious desserts…an apple torte, pumpkin cheesecake, cookies, homemade candies (peanut butter and pretzels dipped in chocolate) and a lovely cake (which we had to “cut”).

The top layer was carrot cake and the bottom was a white cake with raspberry filling).

The children had put together a slide show of photos through the years which they presented while the four of them sang the lovely and appropriate song “Old Love”, learned from a YouTube video by nealandleandra. Their presentation is now posted on YouTube. At an open mike a number of people told stories of our friendship. We chuckled, we laughed, we wiped a tear or two.
We were honored to be remembered in this way and acknowledge with gratitude that we are rich with friends and family. One of the joys of developing the winery is the opportunity to expand our circle of friends. Keep watching our blog and facebook page for updates. We hope to be open to greet you in our new tasting room before the holidays. That will be another celebration!